Sunday, 30 October 2011

September/October 2011

The North American and Pelican Nebulae. This is a stack of 15 x 3 minute exposures taken with a modified Canon 20d and 200mm lens, mounted on an Astrotrac, from dark skies in Yorkshire.

The Pelican Nebula. This is a stack of 15 x 5 minute exposures taken with a modified Canon 350d through a Skywatcher ED80 refractor mounted on top of an 8" Meade LX200, taken from the home observatory.

The Soul Nebula. This is a stack of 12 x 5 minute exposures, taken with a modified Canon 350d through a Skywatcher ED80 refractor mounted on top of an 8" Meade LX200, taken from the home observatory.

The North American and Pelican Nebulae. This is a stack of 12 x 4 minute exposures, taken with a modified Canon 350d and 200mm lens, mounted on an Astrotrac, from dark skies in Yorkshire.

The Milky Way taken from dark skies in Yorkshire. This is a stack of 6 x 4 minute exposures, taken using a modified Canon 350d with a 28mm wide-angle lens, mounted on an Astrotrac.

The Heart Nebula. This is a stack of 12 x 4 minute exposures, taken on an Astrotrac with a modified Canon 350d and 200mm lens at f2.8, from dark skies in Yorkshire.

IC 1396. This is a stack 20 x 3 minute exposures, taken on an Astrotrac with a modified Canon 20d and 200mm lens at f3.2, from dark skies in Yorkshire.

The California Nebula. This is a stack of 15 x 3 minute exposures, taken on an Astrotrac with a modified Canon 20d and 200mm lens at f3.2, from dark skies in Yorkshire.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

The Omega Nebula

This is a stack of 7 x 10 minute exposures, imaged with the Atik 314l ccd camera, through the Skywatcher ED80 refractor mounted on top of the 8" LX200.

The Gamma Cygni Nebula

This is a stack of 14 x 2 minute exposures, imaged with the modified Canon 350d camera and 200mm prime lens, using the Astrotrac, imaged and processed by Zoe.

The Veil Nebula

This is a stack of 10 x 5 minute exposures, using the modified Canon 350d camera, through the Skywatcher ED80 refractor, which is mounted on top of the 8" Meade LX200.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

More Atik ccd images

The Fireworks Galaxy
This image was taken by Dave from dark skies near Crewe, and is a stack of 6 x 10 minute exosures taken through an Orion 8" SPX Newtonian.
The Needle Galaxy
This was taken under dark skies in Devon, and is a stack of 12 x 5 minute exposures through an Intes Micro 7" Maksutov-Newtonian.
This image was taken under dark skies in Devon, and is a stack of 12 x 5 minute exposures taken with an Intes Micro 7" Maksutov-Newtonian.
This image was also taken by Dave under dark skies near Crewe, and is a stack of 9 x 10 minute exposures taken with an 8" Orion SPX Newtonian.
The Hercules Globular Cluster
This image was taken from dark skies in Devon, and was a single, 30 second exposure taken through the 7" Intes Micro Maksutov-Newtonian.
The Eagle Nebula
Another image taken by Dave under dark skies near Crewe, and is a stack of 6 x 10 minute exposures taken with an Orion 8" SPX Newtonian.
Bode's Nebula (really a galaxy)
This is a stack of 12 x 5 minute exposures taken with a 7" Intes Micro Maksutov-Newtonian from dark skies in Devon.
The Black Eye Galaxy
This image is a stack of 10 x 5 minute exposures taken from home with the 8" Meade LX200, reduced to f/6.8.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

After spending six months busking to raise enough money for a ccd camera, these are our first images. They are taken in monochrome, as we felt that this was the easiest way to begin imaging with such a sophisticated camera.
The Leo Triplet of galaxies. This image consists of ten 200 second subs taken with the Skywatcher ED80 achromatic refractor mounted on top of the Meade LX 200.

A revisited image of the Rosette Nebula. This image consists of 21 x 200 second subs using a hydrgen-alpha filter, combined with nine 3 minute luminance subs, which were used to take the image further down this page. All were taken with the Skywatcher ED80 apochromatic refractor, mounted on top of the Meade LX200.

The Flame Nebula. This is a stack of five 3 minute subs taken through the Skywatcher ED80 apochromatic refractor mounted on top of the Meade LX200.

The Horsehead Nebula. This is a stack of ten 150 second subs taken with a hydrogen-alpha filter, through the Skywatcher ED80 apochromatic refractor mounted on top of the Meade LX200.

The Whirlpool Galaxy. This is a stack of twelve 200 second subs taken with the Skywatcher ED80 apochromatic refractor mounted on top of the Meade LX200.

The Rosette Nebula. This is a stack of nine 3 minute subs taken with the Skywatcher ED80 apochromatic refractor mounted on top of the Meade LX200.

The Pinwheel Galaxy. This was taken under dark skies in Devon whilst on holiday. It is a stack of ten 5 minute subs taken through a 7-inch Intes-Micro Maksutov-Newtonian.

The Orion Nebula. This was taken with fifteen 3 minute subs through the Skywatcher ED80 apochromatic refractor mounted on top of the Meade LX200.